50L Friday… stepping up to the challenge?

It’s beautiful when people quite whining and step up to a challenge instead. But, with names like Pig, Artilleri, Miel, Lamb etc. on the list it’s easy to see that it won’t be hard. I am happy to announce that I was banned from none of the sims on this list! Hooray for maturity!

7 thoughts on “50L Friday… stepping up to the challenge?

  1. Jessica

    I really must say the offerings today have ramped up. Could it be these designers are stepping up to the challenge? If so, Yay! you, and Yay! them. Especially to the designers who pointedly did so. That rocks. I’m buying their item today on principle.

  2. chilli

    Sometimes, there are weeks when I don’t buy any of the FLF offers at all. Let’s just say that this week was quite the opposite 😉

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